CCBO - Application of Social Behavior Change Communication Theory to Develop and Promote Waste Sorting Habits at 7 MRF Stations

Project information

Assignment name
Application of Social Behavior Change Communication Theory to Develop and Promote Waste Sorting Habits at 7 MRF Stations, Including Schools, Communities, and Scrap Collection Facilities under the Project Component “Enhancing Public-Private Cooperation to Improve Waste Recovery, Recycling, and Circular Economy in Da Nang” (Part of the “Clean Cities, Blue Ocean” Project)

Da Nang City

11/2023 – 6/2024


ASSIST, Clean City Blue Ocean (CCBO, funded by USAID)

Consultants/ stakeholders 

Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Da Nang City
People’s Committee of Lien Chieu District
Bureau of Natural Resources and Environment,  Lien Chieu District

Description of Project

(i) Conducting surveys on the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices of the community at MRF stations regarding waste sorting at the source; 

(ii) Developing a plan to implement communication activities;

(iii) Establishing monitoring criteria for the quantity, quality, and effectiveness of messages, tools, materials, and communication activities.

Results, activities
• Result 1 – Organize training programs on working skills and occupational safety in the field of waste collection and treatment/recycling 
 Result 2 – Organize communication programs in 7 MRF stations
 Result 3 – Implement action plans for solid waste management in Lien Chieu District


Trở thành tình nguyện viên

Năng lực cá nhân được nâng cao trong quá trình thực hiện các chương trình, dự án. Được tập huấn trong từng dự án cụ thể; Khuyến khích sự tham gia và góp ý kiến của TNV trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch thực hiện dự án


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